Diacronie: Studies in Contemporary History

In 2023, my article on British fascist racial ideology was published in Diacronie, a quarterly Italian history journal with global reach.

Diacronie: Studies in Contemporary History
Sir Oswald Mosley leads British Union of Fascists members before a rally in Trafalgar Square, London, 1934 (Photo by PhotoQuest/Getty Images).

In 2023, my article on British fascist racial ideology, "'Our Own British Race": Distinctive Approaches to Racial Ideas in British Fascist Movements, 1922-1940', was published in Diacronie, a quarterly Italian history journal with global reach. Abstract:

This article identifies and analyses the distinctive character of British fascist racial ideas during the interwar period. While they formulated their racial ideas upon different premises there were consistent themes that were moulded to the British context. Movements had variable levels of radicalism, different interpretations of race in the fabric of British life, and contrasting perceptions of how racial issues should be presented and exploited. These divergent discourses manifested in ideological divides within broadly accepted British nationalist themes, rather than wholly separate doctrines. Interwar British fascist racial ideas therefore not only reveal the distinctive Britishness of such concepts, but also the idiosyncratic approaches of different movements.

Please read the full article on studistorici.com:

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